News & Insights

5 estate planning topics new parents should know about

Becoming parents for the first time is one of life’s biggest milestones, but it can be overwhelming. On top of the knowledge you need to know about caring for your child, there is plenty of financial information that you need to learn about as well.  As a new parent, there are several estate planning aspects […]

Our 3-point asset protection checklist to help you keep your money safe

Asset protection is an important component of financial security. During your financial planning journey, a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional is likely to integrate asset protection into your plan for financial security. This part of the planning process is important for keeping your valued possessions safe in the instance that you or your loved ones were […]

Is estate planning tax deductible?

If you want to ensure that your wealth and assets are allocated to the right people after your death or in the event you become incapacitated, estate planning is the appropriate strategy. Estate planning ensures that your assets, health care decisions, pets, personal items and more go to the right people after your death. Hiring […]

2 key benefits of a lifetime asset protection trust

An asset protection trust (APT) is a type of trust that is used to keep someone’s assets safe from creditors. This type of trust can be useful for those who hope to minimize taxes on an estate. It can also ensure that the assets they have allocated to their beneficiaries are protected during and after […]

3 important steps to take after a sudden financial windfall

So, you may have recently received a raise at work or perhaps a significant bonus. Maybe you have received a large inheritance after the passing of a family member. Regardless of your situation, if you have recently come into a large sum of money, you are going to want to know how you can appropriately […]

How’s The Economy Holding Up?

Economists have spent a lot of time lately debating whether the US economy will experience a hard or soft landing. Let's see what the hard data is telling us.

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