News & Insights

How can a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ help those at the tip of the financial planning pyramid?

Everyone’s financial planning needs are different. Financial planning is a journey, and a financial strategy that suits someone at the beginning of their career won’t be effective for someone already thinking about retirement.  If you are approaching retirement, you may worry about whether your financial goals will be met. Comfortable retirement, estate planning, insurance and […]

How unique is your financial planning?

Your financial situation is as unique as you are, so your financial planning strategy should be as well. A holistic financial plan should encompass more than simply managing investments and preparing for retirement. There are many more facets of your financial situation that need to be addressed to craft a financial plan that is right […]

Does everyone need an asset protection specialist?

An asset protection plan is intended to insulate your business or your personal assets from creditors in the event of a lawsuit or a claim against you. While most people may think this is unnecessary, we unfortunately live in a litigious society. Anyone can become a target of a claim or lawsuit, and your assets […]

Rethinking your philanthropic endeavors? Here are 3 ways a financial planner can help you

Contrary to what people may believe, philanthropy isn’t always about donating huge amounts of money. In fact, you don’t need to be a billionaire or millionaire to be a philanthropist. Philanthropy should be about taking the best approach toward supporting the causes or organizations that matter to you. According to The Corporation for National and […]

Buyer beware: SPAC investments may not be the good deal they appear to be

Buyer beware! You’ve probably heard of special-purchase acquisition companies — SPACs for short — which raise money in initial public offerings from investors without actually revealing how they plan to deploy it, and then trade on exchanges with nothing more to offer investors than cash in the bank and the promise to someday invest it […]

Could the burden of paying for your child’s college be lessened?

One of the biggest differences between attending college in the pre-1980s era and today is the enormous cost difference. These days, virtually every college student takes out student loans to attain higher education. While some gifted students are granted scholarships to cover the rising costs of education, there are sadly not enough to go around. […]

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