
Financial Planning

Our life goals change frequently as we age and experience new milestones. Like dots on a roadmap, those ambitions might include getting a new business off the ground, buying your first home, saving for your kids to go to college or creating a nest egg for retirement.

Whatever your financial goals are, you’ll need money to get there. More than that, you’ll need a strategic financial plan to assess your current situation and prepare you to reach those goals.

At ProVise Management Group, our team of credentialed CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals is here to help you navigate all of life’s financial decisions, including investments, debt payoffs and saving. And we are here to do it with your values in mind.

Request Your Complimentary Consultation from a CFP® Professional

What is Financial Planning?

Financial planning is the key to financial success and stability. Whether you are an individual planning for retirement, a professional navigating the financial risks and rewards of your career, or a business owner making a game plan for long-term stability, financial planning is essential.

Many people believe that financial planning must begin at a certain time in their lives. We meet with people every day who say, “I waited until it was too late to start financial planning.” But the truth is there’s never a bad time to start making a plan for your money. While starting sooner is always better because it gives us more time to make your money grow, our ProVise advisors help people in all stages of life, whether that means the client is nearing retirement, actively investing in the future, paying back student loans or building a business.

The ProVise Planning Experience

A financial plan is a roadmap to your financial success. A ProVise financial planner will follow a process that includes the following steps to creating a customized strategy specific to your current financial situation, lifestyle, and future goals.

1. Understanding Your Personal and Financial Circumstances 2. Identifying and Selecting your goals 3. Analyzing Your Current Course of Action and Potential Alternative Courses of Action 4. Developing the Financial Planning Recommendation(s) 5. Presenting the Financial Planning Recommendation(s) 6. Implementing the Financial Planning Recommendation(s) 7. Monitoring the Progress and Update

1. Understanding Your Personal and Financial Circumstances

Before we can help you reach your goals, we need to understand where you are. We perform a thorough analysis of your current financial situation and upcoming risks before creating a financial plan designed for your increased future success.

2. Identifying and Selecting your goals

Your future financial goals will dictate your current financial choices. We need to understand your goals and then help you prioritize those goals, so we can align your financial strategy with the lifestyle for which you are aiming. We help you balance your goals in a way that is designed to benefit your current lifestyle without neglecting your future financial goals

3. Analyzing Your Current Course of Action and Potential Alternative Courses of Action

It is important for us to first determine what you are currently doing and why. What is your approach to your finances and investments? There is no reason to seek alternatives if what you are doing is working. However, we can only do this in the context of looking at alternatives that may either fine tune what you are doing, or perhaps offer an alternative approach.

4. Developing the Financial Planning Recommendation(s)

Unlike others who just want to sell you something that may not be in your best interest, we do not consider recommendations until we have taken the first three steps of the financial planning process. You do not want a physician to create a treatment plan without a thorough analysis of your current condition and consideration of alternatives. The same is true with your financial health.

5. Presenting the Financial Planning Recommendation(s)

We will provide you with a set of written recommendations sharing our best ideas and thoughts regarding your personal financial situation. For those with a relatively uncomplicated financial life it might be done in a bullet point format, while for others it could be a much longer document. It might even be done with a modular plan focusing on the one aspect that is most concerning to you.

6. Implementing the Financial Planning Recommendation(s)

We help you put the financial planning strategy to work by putting together a checklist of action items for you and us that helps ensure that the plan is implemented in a timely fashion. There is nothing worse than knowing what needs to be done and then not doing it.

7. Monitoring the Progress and Update

Financial planning is not an event that happens one time. It is a continuous process. Life happens and things change. You will not go it alone. We will walk with you through every financial decision, roadblock, obstacle and opportunity to make sure you are staying on track toward your financial goals.

What to expect in a complimentary consultation

A 30-minute complimentary consultation with ProVise Management Group is different from what you may have experienced with other financial planners. In this meeting, you'll speak with a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™.

We want to know more about your goals and place in life than how much money you have in your accounts.

We would be happy to meet you in person at our Clearwater and Tampa offices or schedule a Zoom call.

Here’s a quick snapshot of how our consultation works:


Step 1

What prompted you to contact us?

Is it a new job with a complex compensation plan, the formation of a new business, a birthday that makes retirement feel more imminent, an inheritance, the death of a spouse or another event?

Step 2

What are your goals?

We'll discuss your objectives for your finances and retirement and diagnose any potential issues that may be keeping you from reaching your goals.


Step 3

Here's how we can help

We’ll tell you about us and how we work, including the services we offer and our fee structure. Then, we’ll give you the time and space you need to decide if you want to work with us—and when you’re ready, so are we.

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation

Financial planning is not one big thing…it is hundreds of little things™. We will walk with you every step of the way through investments, debt payoffs and everything in between to help you reach the financial goals that matter most to you.


Read our market updates and points of view on world events that impact the financial landscape.

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